This page intentionally left blank. ⬇️, ➡️, or spacebar 🛰 to start slidedeck. --- class: center, middle # World Wide Web .center[] --- # World Wide Web - See [Networks](/presentations/networks.html) for a more technical slidedeck about the internet, this is more about the history of the internet and web culture. .center[] --- # History lesson .center[] --- # History lesson .center[] --- # First website .center[] - [see for yourself]( --- # Another important website .center[] - [see for yourself]( --- # Technologies Important technologies that make up the web: - hypertext - domain name system - browsers --- # Hypertext - inspired by the "memex" concept - jumping from text to text, creating links - WWW brought hypertext to a global scale (for more from a technical angle, see [HTML](/presentations/html.html)) --- # History of Hypertext - See: Vannevar Bush's [As We May Think]( (1945) - See: Douglas Engelbart and Team's [Mother of All Demos]( (1968) - See: Apple Macintosh's [HyperCard]( --- # HTTP(S) What is this? .center[] --- # HTTP(S) ## Hyper ## Text ## Transfer ## Protocol ## (Secure) --- # Distributed Name Service (DNS) - What does this do? .center[] --- # Distributed Name Service (DNS) - gives human-readable names to IP addresses - lets people have simple email addresses - gives us domain names (.com, .net, .club) .center[] --- # Interlude: Summer (Olia Lialina, 2013) .center[] --- Summer (Olia Lialina, 2013) .center[] - start the netart @ [this link]( or any - image sourced from this article @ []( - see the delinquents @ [summer's thanks page]( --- # Browsers and more .center[] --- # Additional Resources - [Broad Band: The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet by Claire L. Evans]( - [ How the Internet Happened: From Netscape to the iPhone by Brian McCullough]( - [Project Code Rush - The Beginnings of Netscape]( --- # Learning more - [Computers](/presentations/computers.html) - [HTML](/presentations/html.html) - [Networks](/presentations/networks.html) [Home](/)