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E........ Reserve a given amount of space (in bytes) at the beginning of the file for the index (cues). (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -cluster_size_limit
E........ Store at most the provided amount of bytes in a cluster. (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) -cluster_time_limit
E........ Store at most the provided number of milliseconds in a cluster. (from -1 to I64_MAX) (default -1) -dash
E........ Create a WebM file conforming to WebM DASH specification (default false) -dash_track_number
E........ Track number for the DASH stream (from 0 to 127) (default 1) -live
E........ Write files assuming it is a live stream. (default false) -allow_raw_vfw
E........ allow RAW VFW mode (default false) -write_crc32
E........ write a CRC32 element inside every Level 1 element (default true) ``` --- # Example of demuxer ``` Demuxer gif [CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)]: GIF demuxer AVOptions: -min_delay
.D....... minimum valid delay between frames (in hundredths of second) (from 0 to 6000) (default 2) -max_gif_delay
.D....... maximum valid delay between frames (in hundredths of seconds) (from 0 to 65535) (default 65535) -default_delay
.D....... default delay between frames (in hundredths of second) (from 0 to 6000) (default 10) -ignore_loop
.D....... ignore loop setting (netscape extension) (default true) ``` --- # Learning more - [Video](/presentations/video.html) [Home](/)