This page intentionally left blank. ⬇️, ➡️, or spacebar 🛰 to start slidedeck. --- class: middle, center # Metadata --- # Metadata # # More than just # .center[ data ] # .right[ about data ] # .right[ - - - ] --- class: middle # Metadata schemas and standards - Dublin Core - EBUCore, PBCore, VRA Core - EAD - METS - MODS - PREMIS - TGN --- # Dublin Core Dublin Core is a small set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe web resources, as well as physical resources such as books or CDs, and objects like artworks. Website: []( --- # EBUCore, PBCore, VRA Core Derived from Dublin Core, extended, and used for broadcast/audiovisual materials. EBUCore: []( PBCore: []( VRA Core: []( --- # EAD *Encoded Archival Description* An XML standard for encoding archival finding aids. Website: []( --- # METS *Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard* A standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata regarding objects within a digital library. Website: []( --- # MODS *Metadata Object Description Schema* A schema for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, and particularly for library applications. Website: []( --- # PREMIS *PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies* An international working group concerned with developing metadata for use in digital preservation. Website: []( Documentation: []( --- class: middle # Controlled Vocabularies - Getty: AAT, CONA, TGN, ULAN - Library of Congress: LCSH, LCTGM --- # AAT *The Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus* A controlled vocabulary used for describing items of art, architecture, and material culture. Website: []( --- # CONA *Cultural Objects Name Authority* A controlled vocabulary containing authority records for cultural works, including architecture and movable works such as paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, manuscripts, photographs, textiles, ceramics, furniture, other visual media such as frescoes and architectural sculpture, performance art, archaeological artifacts, and various functional objects that are from the realm of material culture and of the type collected by museums. Website: []( --- # TGN *The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names* A controlled vocabulary contained names and associated information about places. Website: []( --- # ULAN *Union List of Artist Names* An online database using a controlled vocabulary currently containing around 293,000 names and other information about artists. Website: []( --- # LCSH *Library of Congress Subject Headings* Website: []( --- # LC TGM *Thesaurus of Graphic Materials* Website: []( --- # VIAF Combines multiple name authority files into a single OCLC-hosted name authority service. Website: []( --- class: middle # Cataloging standards - CCO - DACS - RDA --- # CCO *Cataloging Cultural Objects* A data content standard for the cultural heritage community. Website: []( --- # DACS *Describing Archives: A Content Standard* An output-neutral set of rules for describing archives, personal papers, and manuscript collections, and can be applied to all material types. Website: []( Most recent version hosted on Github: []( --- # RDA A standard for descriptive cataloging based on AACR2. Website: []( --- class: middle # Data models - BIBFRAME - EN 15907 - FRBR --- # BIBFRAME "BIBFRAME is a data model for bibliographic description. BIBFRAME was designed to replace the MARC standards, and to use linked data principles to make bibliographic data more useful both within and outside the library community." Website: []( --- # EN 15907 Title: Film identification - Enhancing interoperability of metadata - Element sets and structures EN 15907 defines a metadata set for the comprehensive description of cinematographic works including the various incarnations it can assume during its lifecycle. Website: []( --- # FRBR *Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records* A conceptual entity-relationship model that relates user tasks of retrieval and access in online library catalogues and bibliographic databases from a user's perspective. Website: []( --- class: middle # "linked open data" - LOC - RDF - OAI-PMH --- # Additional Resources - [FIAF Cataloging Guide]( - [Getty: Introduction to Metadata]( - [Metadata for all: Descriptive standards and metadata sharing across cultural heritage communities]( - [Metadata Map]( - [UW data dictionaries]( --- # Learning more - [XSLT](/presentations/xslt.html) [Home](/)